§ Summer Jobs - Erasmus - Trips §

§ Summer Jobs - Erasmus - Trips §


§§§translation in french§§§

I'm going to visit the most famous museum of Portsmouth: The Dockyard.


I follow the advice of keith by buying a ticket "Dockyard pass" for all the museums, galleries, boats. It's so big, that one day isn't enough.

§§§Visitor map§§§

It's the best museum that I have never seen !!!
There are many building to visit : HMS Victory; Trafalgar Sail;
HMS Mary rose ship hall; Mary rose museum; Monitor 33; Victory gallery and Trafalger Experience; Storehouse 11 the sailing navy and Nelson gallery; Royal Naval museum; Dockyard Apprentice; The Mast Pond and Historic Boats; Action Stations; Porter's Garden and picnic area; Harbour tours; HMS Warrior 1860;

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