§ Summer Jobs - Erasmus - Trips §

§ Summer Jobs - Erasmus - Trips §

Chap 1 - >>> Why ?

>>> WHY ???

  • First of all, I will get an education in the sector of robotics which I am deeply interesting in. Although I have followed a scientific career in the sector of engineering sciences and I have never lost the desire to study robotics, domotics, mechatronics that came to me several years ago. I would like to study this field more than in my dreams.

  • The second goal of my application is the linguistic gain of such an exchange. In fact, I have noticed that I learnt so many things when I worked in the United Kingdom last summer. Therefore, I will definitively improve my mastery of English. Moreover, I will get used to the scientific vocabulary which I will need for my future work.

  • The last reason is the cultural aspect of such travel. As you will notice on my curriculum vitae, every summer I spent my free time in a new professional experience. Traveling is one of my leisure occupations. I like to discover new countries, new cultures, and new people. Consequently, this exchange is a perfect way to live a full cultural immersion.

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